Week 7 June 28 - July 2, 2021

YAY! Our study had been approved by IRB on Wednesday so we are ready to rock n rolling! However I want to have a pilot study with one of the boss’ mentors because I felt like they would have better research questions for our surveys. The entire time during the past few pilot studies with many colleagues and a mentor, I felt unsafastifed with our survey questions. I just could not figure out why or how to change it. I recalled how both boss mentors had good research questions and how they were able to name what kind of research questions we should use such as Likert. During Wednesday’s practice with Dr. C. Vogler, he was able to run through our research study and gave us good feedback. I asked him to be part of our study a few days ago because he was the one who mentioned a lot about Likert scale and other scales that I don’t remember. His feedback was that reading/following and understanding questions was too similar and is confusing on what we mean. So we changed that to “How easy was it for you to understand the captions?” and “How easy was it for you to see the captions and the speaker at the same time?”. This, I hope, is vastly better than our old one. Whew. Dr. CV also mentioned NetPromoter questions that we can try out. Another term that I learned related to research questions so that was a learning experience. I wish to pick his brain more. I definitely enjoyed this part of research so far and I think I might take more classes with similar experience here. The only part I dislike so far is literature review. It takes so long lol.

Also during each pilot study, I was the host person to talk with participants and during those I do have agdena but not script. So I was testing to see what worked and sometimes I changed my plan because I wanted to see if our colleague changed their answer. It sort of changed their answer so that plan dropped and went back to the original plan. I also learned to adapt how I communicate with people based on their communication skills. Something that my other partner might not be aware of. I don’t know, I guess it is a waiting game to see our participants’ communication skills.

I also messed up a little by setting up survey questions. I forgot that my partner used links to the survey to set up our study. By the time I realized that I should not delete and paste a new survey with new questions. New surveys have new links which mean my partner has to relink it all over again. Opps. Sorry buddy! My partner wanted the delete forms back because we had our pilot study’s response to it so it would be nice to compare it with our pilot and our participants. He had good points so we were searching for it now. And it was discovered it was in his drive, how odd. But all is back to normal now. Whew!

Today is July 2nd, and we have no plan other than to keep posting our recruitment message on our social media. Also waiting to hear back from our boss about whether we can change the payment type from Amazon gift card to paypal or venmo. I also checked out our research paper and felt like we were at a good pace and are in a good place too. I think our method section is done. I have to check with my partner to see if he wants to add anything more and to respond back to our mentor’s suggestions. Next week is our vacation week! YAY! My only plan to do that week is to refresh and update my parent’s bathroom as a surprise gift for my mother’ birthday. Hopefully we can get that done before they come home in a week from the vacation. Whew. I also am taking one online summer course at RIT - Cognition Psychology course to get requirements done before fall. I hope I can handle both along with occasionally the side job of being manager for the RIT job I have as ASL consultants. The class will be handled after my work hours or maybe on the weekend only. Okay That’s all folks, and have a good week!

Written on June 28, 2021